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Automated Parking

T oday, we are witnessing continuous infrastructure developments in our cities and towns. With growing per capita incomes the demand for cars are increasing and so are the parking requirements. The latest announcement of scrappage policy to phase out old and unfit vehicles will help in encouraging fuel-efficient, environment-friendly vehicles, thereby certainly increase demand for passenger and commercial vehicles. The growth in the number of vehicles also carries with it the need for essential parking arrangements in the premises. The highly dense metro cities have limited parking infrastructure, hence the people are forced to park their cars on the street, unsafely. The street parking is also a major reason for increased traffic bottlenecks.  

The new experiments like even and odd day parking have been exercised in some metro cities for the roadside parking. This practice may also not be a long-term solution, considering the exponential increase in the number of cars in the coming years. The city planning and development authorities definitely working on the parking management for the upcoming smart cities. But the current metro cities are facing the crunch of parking facilities due to lack of space and the increasing vehicular density. The current issue of metro cities parking can be resolved with multi-level automated parking systems. When a premise will have a multi-level reliable and safe car parking facility available, the car owners of residential or commercial premises will definitely use this facility for their cars. This facility will not only bring relief to the car owners but also the roads will be free from unauthorised parking.

The new smart automated parking system would not only allow owners to optimize the capacity of car parking spaces but would also help reduce fuel consumption. Multi-level automatic parking is currently one of the most important Smart City initiatives. Its modular, scalable and easy-to-install design makes it a viable solution for congested and newly built cities. The smart automated parking systems help to save parking space, construction cost, electricity with increased safety & security to the vehicles. Automated parking systems are effectively viable for small to medium-sized residential or commercial buildings which are unable to support a conventional parking system. These multi-level parking systems allow developers to make optimal use of expensive land in metro cities and help them save maximum traditional parking space in a more efficient manner. Automated parking systems give developers many advantages over conventional garages, including increased space usage, decreased costs, reduced environmental impact and luxurious user interface.

A typical parking is constructed to allow cars enough room to safely circulate in both directions for moving in the parking spaces. This circulation space is not needed in an automatic parking system. This lets engineers make more use of the area that will usually be reserved by vehicles as a driveway. Automated parking maximises no of car spots & reduces retrieval times due to non-human interaction. With now available multiple parking systems like Tower, Puzzle, and Atlas system a huge parking spots can be made available with minimum space requirement. Where a conventional ground parking system may take nearly 7000 sq. ft. of area to park up to 50 cars, the Tower Parking system with its vertical parking mechanism may accommodate the same number of cars with a surface area of just 600 sq. ft. With the Atlas Shuttle or Cart type parking system, hundreds of cars can be parked and retrieved with minimum time. In these all automated parking’s, the car has to just drop at the entrance of the system, and system drives it to the desired location and can be retrieved on the call. In this travel, the car is driven by the system hence saving the fuel. The very cost-effective, easy to maintain Stack parking system simply doubles or triples your car parking capacity.

The system like Horizontal circulation provides the multilevel underground parking solutions.​ While choosing the right parking system the criteria might be maximum loading​​ capacity, length of the pallet for a vehicle, the number of car spots required. Car height also would be considered criteria for solution for SUV & Sedan cars. The new RFID based smart parking system is an adaptive system for parking that lets drivers locate an available parking space. Using a smartphone device or digital displays next to roads to guide drivers to a vacant spot, open spaces are normally indicated.


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